Friday, November 5, 2010

Sneak in the Veggies!

                Based on everything I’ve read and heard from other parents, getting kids to eat vegetables is one of the most challenging things we do.  I know my three have made a pact not to eat broccoli, spinach or green beans.  They love orange veggies, but green has been voted out.
                Therefore, based I’ve adapted to sneaking vegetables into our food, one way or another.  Here are some of the ways I do it.  You can check out the blog for more extensive recipes and tips.
  1. I mix broccoli puree in with my macaroni and cheese sauce.  I make a white sauce and then add cheese and puree.  The broccoli taste goes well with cheddar, and they gobble it up!  If your kids hate the broccoli flavor, try an orange vegetable instead. 
  2. I mix spinach puree into scrambled eggs.  This is my version of “green eggs.”  My kids love eggs, so they think it’s hilarious to eat them green. 
  3. I mix pumpkin into pancake batter.  Add a little pumpkin pie spice, and you feel like you’re eating dessert for breakfast.  Use whole wheat flour and portion the syrup in old cough syrup cups so they don’t get too much sugar.
  4. I mix vegetable purees into pasta sauce.  The tartness of the tomatoes helps cover up the flavor and color of the vegetables. Put the sauce on whole wheat pasta or pizza dough.  Add cheese.  Devour.
Once you start doing this, you will come up with all sorts of creative ways to sneak in those veggies.  It only takes an hour or so to puree a bunch of different vegetables.  Then you can freeze them in ice cube trays for easy pre-portioned availability!

1 comment:

  1. No Sneaking allowed in my house. I was always open about adding the veggies. My son's friends would stare at the food while we ate because they couldn't think of eating it. My son turned out to be more adventuresome and even ended up with vegetarian friends who raved about my food. I like the way you add veggies to your food.
