Thursday, December 16, 2010

Celebrate Light!

     The sky is grey.  The light is shallow.  We are descending toward the shortest day of the year.  Our Vitamin D levels are decreasing.  The cold is causing our bones to ache.  Our children have got another round of seasonal viruses.  It gets dark at 5 pm.  We have every reason to feel hopeless and gloomy. 
     And that is why it is so important to celebrate!  It doesn’t matter what you believe or where you come from, there is a celebration for you.  I grew up with Christmas, but I also love the miracle of Hanukkah, the burning of the Yule log, and El Día de los Reyes.  During the darkest time of the year, we, as a human race, hang on the hope that light will return again.  We eat feasts and light candles and sing songs of joy.  We drink wassail or ponche or really great wine.  Children wait for Santa or Baby Jesus or light candles for the Sun Lord, all giving hope of wonder to come.
     I tend to be an over-thinker and focus on all the things I don’t believe in and don’t like.  But December, for me, is all about remembering all the traditions that our ancestors used to bring joy to their lives during the darkest of days.  So, I’m baking a ton of cookies.  I’m roasting a pork loin.  I’m mixing ginger cocktails.  And I’m sewing tiny gifts to remind my kids how much I love them.  Happy, Joyous Holidays to you and yours!  Seriously, eat, drink and Be Merry, the light will return again!

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