Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Fresh Start

I’ve been slouching on my diet lately.  I call it being in “The Cheese Condition” because I eat a little too much cheese and picture myself stuck in a pile of melted cheese, struggling to get out.  I’ve had a harder time finding that determination that keeps me set on my task of being healthy and fit and taking great care of myself and my family.  And it’s a slippery slope for me.  It starts with extra bites and turns into extra bowls of food I don’t need.  It starts with a couple excuses why I didn’t exercise and turns into daily laziness.  The holidays certainly didn’t help.  In my last post you saw me declare how much I was going to cook and eat. 

I once cut out a quote from a magazine that said, “Remember you can always take a U Turn.  Eating three cookies is better than three cookies and a piece of pie.”  That has always stuck with me.  I love the idea that, at any moment, we can stop in our tracks, let go of the negative storyline in our heads and just start fresh.  So, rather than make any grand proclamation about the New Year and make a giant list of things I plan to do, I’m making that my resolution. 

I’m going to start each day of 2011 with a fresh start.  And that means, for today, I’m not eating cheese.  Instead, I’m making a delicious pear and arugula salad.  I’ll post the recipe!


  1. Pear and Arugula Salad might be tasty with a little bit of cheese on it too. Hmmm.

  2. Oh, it is so good with a little blue cheese!!!
